Tuesday, June 1, 2010

If you don't have a sense of humor, stay out of airports...

I love travel. I love airports. I love the fact that people think because they can afford to fly, they are somehow better than every other person on the plane.  Don't they know that these people can also afford to fly?

I also love that people think that rules on airplanes don't apply to them.  We had this dude yesterday on the plane than decides he needs to go to the bathroom... about two seconds after the pilot says we are number one in line for takeoff.  He unbuckles, gets up and heads toward the back of the plane.  The attendants are shouting at him to take his seat. The plane is making the turn at the top of the runway and picking up speed. He yells at them that he really has to go.  The attendants give each other that look like "Let's abort this thing" and as one is reaching for the radio, he plops down in a seat.  We take off as scheduled and he is trying to explain to people around him that he has to go pee-pee and it's perfectly safe to be walking around during takeoff.

We barely clear the ground and start to bank and he gets up again and heads to the lavatory. The attendants are shouting at him but he makes it to the lav and close the door.  Then we hit the turbulence. Heavy turbulence like you sometimes get in the Midwest in summer.  It lasted about 2 minutes and it was rough.

I sure hope he washed his hands when he was through...