Sunday, January 2, 2011

Do you have a plan?

Well, it's that time of year again.  Time to start your One Year Bible Reading Plan.  Do you have a plan?  Do you follow it?  In the last 4 years, I have only finished it once.  My wife, the other hand, is very faithful.  She has finished hers every year since Pastor Bret proposed it from the pulpit at South Hill Church Community  in December of 2007.  Here is her One Year Bible:

Looks pretty well worn but she won't let me buy her a new one. She says that this one has a lot of character.  Smart girl, that one I married.

Here is a picture of my One Year Bible:

Looks brand new, huh?  It's not. It's four years old...  OK, it's not. It's brand new but you get the point.  My Bible should look more like Kathy's because she makes the time each day to hear from God. I still try to do that osmosis thing where I pray and go to church and hope that I pick up some tidbits along the way.

Let me tell you that it does not work.  John Stone dropped a tidbit in his sermon at Bethel Church today that talks about one way that the Enemy tries to deceive us is through ignorance.  And not ignorance in the ways of the world as we are all pretty skilled at that. The ignorance he was referring to dealt with God's plan and the best way to overcome that lack of knowledge is to spend time learning about that plan.  Plus God gave us a roadmap to the plan. For as little as 15 minutes a day, you can strengthen your relationship with your Creator; draw closer to His Son Jesus and gain some insight into His plan and your role in it.

I'm definitely making it a priority for me in 2011.

So let me ask you... do you have a plan?