Tuesday, December 28, 2010

In Memoriam...

2010 was a difficult year for the us as we lost three special people in our family. In early January, we lost my brother Russ to lung cancer.  It was especially difficult for me as Russ and I were estranged the last few years of his life due to his decision to live in addiction and my decision to live in sobriety.  I say that I don't beat myself up about it but sometimes I still do...

We got a chance to talk the last week of his life and I asked him if he had any questions about eternity.  He said he had made his peace with Jesus and I cling to that hope.  He is missed by the family.  I love you bro!

Early in February, we lost Kathy's Grandpa Roger.  He was an amazing man and his life brimmed over with Christ's love and compassion for his fellow man.  After finding out that my grandfathers had passed away when I was very young, he told me that he would be my grandpa now because a young man needs a grandpa... That's the kind of man he was.  I miss you Grandpa Roger!

Shortly after Grandpa Roger's passing, I picked up the genealogy bug and started tracing back Kathy's family's tree.  Lisette gave us a book of pictures and I was breathless at the beauty of Grandma Jacqueline as a young woman...and the amount of dark hair Grandpa Roger had! 
Jacqueline Frenette - 1935

Roger & Jackie Wedding Photo

Near the middle of December, Grandma Jackie suffered a stroke and was hospitalized. She had a DNR in place and it was her wish to spend Christmas with Grandpa Roger.  She got that wish on December 19 as she passed into the loving arms of her Savior Jesus Christ.

I heard a prayer in an old movie one time that said, "Dear God, our loved ones are now in Your care and bask in Your glory. You take delight in their praise and we are left alone to grieve..."

It sounds sad but grieving death is part of living. And knowing that we will be reunited in Heaven softens the grief but the pain remains.

We look at the loss of a loved one with human eyes and sometimes cannot see the big picture. Only when we focus upon the big picture can we begin to see the joy of eternity...

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